Friday, May 28, 2010

Once upon a time

One day in the wild where the cheetahs live I found a serval. (In this story I am a grown-up, I live in the wild and I have a pet serval.) The serval was catching a bird by jumping so high! He jumped high and then he caught it. I watched from my car, and after I went back home and then to the park.

In the forest Owen saw a tiger. (In this story, Owen is a grown up, and he lives in the forest, we're friends) Then something bad happened. Owen forgot the way back to his home. He saw a house that looked familiar and he didn't know he were standing right by his house. At first he didn't know and he said "I don't know where my house is but this house looks familiar!"
He said "Where am I? I am lost! I'm in our car and I don't know which way to go!"

"Uh oh! There are snakes in the forest!"

"Uh oh! That's the end of the street but that's the way home!"

Vroom-vroom-vroom-vroom-vroom (x maybe..... uh, four more times)
Vroom - vroom 4
Vroom - 3
Vroom - 2
Vroom 1

BEEP BEEP! Honk! Honk! Open the gate, "I'm home!" ... have some snacks, then dinner then Owen sleeps. Owen is happy to be home.

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